We have recently discovered that individuals are misusing our company name, HiireXn, to offer fraudulent projects and extort money from unsuspecting victims. Specifically, there have been cases where fake Telegram accounts have been created, falsely using the names of our project supervisors. These scammers are obtaining legitimate project numbers managed by our company and deceptively presenting them to others to collect payments.
We kindly urge you to be vigilant and cautious. Please verify the authenticity of any communication or project offers you receive, particularly those that request payment. If you encounter any suspicious activity or have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us directly through our official channels.
Your safety and trust are our top priority. Together, we can prevent these fraudulent schemes.
She is one of their team and can be seen on Reddit. If she tells you that she offers you jobs through Reddit, don't respond. Because she appears as an employee of our company.
Reddit Username: Ok-Internet-7130